Dude, do you really want to go to a relic site, and hunt with a metal detector that is so sensitive, that you can detect a "pin" to insane depths? Wouldn't you go crazy to hear every pushpin, staple, pin, birdshot, etc.... ? And if that's the kind of sensitivity you need, why not just get a nugget machine? There are nuggett machines nowadays that are probably more sensitive than even military mine detectors. Ie.: that can get a nickel to nearly 2 ft. down, or whatever, and bobby pins scary deeeep, etc...
Contrary to what you might think, a machine good for coins/relics/jewelry, is not necessarily going to be a nugget or mine machine like that. Because to get this kind of insane depth and sensitivy, you're probably going to forgo iron disc. You know, like how even the top-of-the-line nugget machines now by Minelab, which tout "discrimination", actually can only ID iron in the top 6" or so. Beyond that, everything sounds the same.
Perhaps there is a CW site where someone DOES actually want to strip-mine out birdshot, nails, staples, etc... If so, why not just get a Minelab nugget machine? Whatever the military has, is just going to be re-packaged stuff available on the private market anyhow. That is, they don't have some sort of advanced technology that's not available somewhere on the private market. Heck, you can even paint your nuggett machine camaflauge green, and "presto", you have a military mine detector