I was coin hunting at a friends place this past weekend, and was surprised when I dug this bullet from amongst the clad and old toys that I usually find there. While I have found a few modern bullets on this property, this one was different. I thought I had found a minie ball at first, but upon further inspection, I realized that this was not the case as this bullet looked different, and no civil war artifacts had been found anywhere near around this area. I took a picture of it beside a 3 ringer civil war minie ball just for size comparison. It has a hollow point, what looks like 3 rings, and is solid and flat on the bottom, but what throws me off is the cross-hatch looking marks between the rings. I have never seen a bullet with this design or pattern on it. I have searched the web and can`t find any pictures of one anywhere, and everybody who I have shown it to so far has said that they have never seen one like it before. I don`t know how old it is, but it has got the patina, and it would be cool to find out, so any of you boys got any idea, or ever dug one of these? I think its an old, modern bullet, probably a muzzle loaded round....that's my best guess, but I would love to hear anybody`s 2 cents worth on this one. Thanks!