Any words of wisdom before I go ?
The Xterra has just been allowed out from under the bed after 6 months for not finding me any gold.
It's Probably a bit mean of me to blame the machine for not finding gold so I've decided to give it a chance to redeem itself and heading out to Warwick this weekend. I know I was guilty of swinging too fast and trying to run the sensitivity too high.
Last time I was there I came across some old diggings, a 50 metre run of holes up a shallow gully.
There was logs, rocks and branches everywhere on the surface and junk metal everywhere underground so I'm confident it hasn't been properly detected before. (see pic, not too clear because it was taken with my phone.)
I didn't discover the spot until the last hour before having to leave for home, so I plan on clearing the area of debris and giving it a good s-l-o-w
going over with the Xterra + DD elliptical.
My mate has a nice 1/2 ounce piece he found with his eureka-gold a couple of years ago just 150m from the spot, so the colour should be there.
Because there's heaps of nails, bits of wire and rusty metal, I plan on using discrimination mode a lot to cut down the amount of digging needed or there would be a hole every half metre.
The ground is hot also which makes it even harder in prospecting mode.
There's nothin' as bad for enthusiasm as spending your whole weekend listening to noise and digging up junk,
So, if anyone has any words of wisdom before I go, my ears are open for suggestions
Hope to have a positive report to post next week
The Xterra has just been allowed out from under the bed after 6 months for not finding me any gold.
It's Probably a bit mean of me to blame the machine for not finding gold so I've decided to give it a chance to redeem itself and heading out to Warwick this weekend. I know I was guilty of swinging too fast and trying to run the sensitivity too high.
Last time I was there I came across some old diggings, a 50 metre run of holes up a shallow gully.
There was logs, rocks and branches everywhere on the surface and junk metal everywhere underground so I'm confident it hasn't been properly detected before. (see pic, not too clear because it was taken with my phone.)
I didn't discover the spot until the last hour before having to leave for home, so I plan on clearing the area of debris and giving it a good s-l-o-w
going over with the Xterra + DD elliptical.
My mate has a nice 1/2 ounce piece he found with his eureka-gold a couple of years ago just 150m from the spot, so the colour should be there.
Because there's heaps of nails, bits of wire and rusty metal, I plan on using discrimination mode a lot to cut down the amount of digging needed or there would be a hole every half metre.
The ground is hot also which makes it even harder in prospecting mode.
There's nothin' as bad for enthusiasm as spending your whole weekend listening to noise and digging up junk,
So, if anyone has any words of wisdom before I go, my ears are open for suggestions
Hope to have a positive report to post next week