This is a wonderful subject! It sure lends itself to "how would I do it" kind of thought process..I remember reading in the Foxfires about how wells were dug, rocked up, and refreshed back in the day...seemed one major concern besides the ones already covered, was somebody accidentally dropping something heavy into it when a fellow was down at the bottom. I guess in this instance a fellow would try to pump or bail out as much of the water as possible, climb down in there, and start scooping up buckets of mud as fast as he could while somebody up top hauls it up and out...two buckets on ropes would be faster...however, the crew on top would have to be very trustworthy and capable and probably should also be left with your car keys, credit cards, cell phone, and important next of kin list. I can see it now..."Mr Water Wizards Dad? Yes, this is Nigel Nitesoil, one of his mates, yes I'm good thanks for asking, I have some good news for you, first off let me tell you your lad Wizard found a cracker jack of a silver spoon in a well this morning! Yes a real corker! Oh, and his car is now available to sell! Me and Denny Digger would also like to offer to buy his detecting gear and kit from you!... Bad news is he wont be paying you back for that student loan he still owes on...Why?....bloody well caved in a damnable fashion!..all sides at once! Yes, it was tremendous alright, we nearly spilled our pints in the cataclysm! Good news is you wont have any burial expenses, so all in all, it was a successful day for everybody, and it should make a bloody fine post for his mates to read on the Forum!"
