Hey guys, I just received a phone call that pointed me over to this thread. After seeing it, I had Gene and I go out to look at these boxes, as stated, they are white on the box, we opened it up and....Black!
It looks as if the coil company has switched color without our knowledge. We are looking into it now, we are not sure if this is the new permanent color, or this was just a temporary/fluke from the coil company. But as of now, we apparently have some black Ultimate 13" coils. Not sure if it is going to last or not. Will update when we find out a little more information for you guys if it is the new permanent color or not.
So for the record, I went out and looked through every single one, and they are all black. So as of now, our current stock has 19 black Ultimate 13" coils. Whoever was misinformed, we do apologize. We also were unaware of the color switch. As I said, not sure if it will stay this way, but if you were waiting for a black one, we have them now. Next order may go back to white? Not sure.