of one, but watched enough of them on the Thames River, mostly navy and cargo ships coming into port. They would try to turn just above our boat yard and it took the entire river to do it and was a slow process. I was figuring the can buoys would wrap around the
prop, but they never did. I know lobster pots do that very well..... Jump back and foth to all 4 screens keeps you out of trouble also.
I don't know what would happen if you kept going out to sea. I though it might put something on the screen once you reached beyond the blue waters. That was how I found my way out.... I wonder if they have a add side wind to it....That would change it real fast in how it handles. I'd have a lot of work them as all the buildings along the shoreline near port would be wrecked.... I wonder if they will put out say a sailboat and let us run around the world. Chart your course, leave pc on overnight, change course in the am.... or better yet a sub, with window view so we could look at some of those mountains in the oceans and trenches.... Who knows what these will envolve to in later years. That one Royal was running with all the shots of the homes near the road were really pretty interesting. I use Google Earth to find Geocaches. If you activiate the KML files, it will let you see where they are..... If we are traveling even locally, I always check and see if there is one I can grab on the way.... Plenty of them out there, now just need the time to stop......
I'm running it on XP Pro on this system but it worked equally as well on Vista and Win 7 in 64 bit..... Just had to download and update for XP....Fast download and quick install...... To me the rest is enough ram to run them. Games are greedy for ram.... I have not tried to turn off any of the buildings and other items it offers on the left pop up screen. That might help some with limited ram....
Hey, another thought.... They should let to guys sail and find each other on the high seas. Easter Island or something.. Only in priate ships....
Again, thanks for heads up on that one...... I like that kind of stuff.. Geo