As one of the original Field Testers for the X-Terra 30, X-50 and X-70, I suppose I am as much of a "longtime user" as anyone. And even though it has been around for several years now, the X-Terra is still my favorite detector. I currently use the 705 because I like the additional functionality that the software upgrade offered. Notice I did not say features, but functionality. The additional features were not a big deal to me as the 70 does about everything I need in a detector. But the faster response and a bit more depth is important to me. This is not to say I haven't tried other detectors along the way. I have. Since the X-Terra came out, I've bought quite a few "other" new detectors. However it was due to curiosity more than anything else. I bought them to make comparisons of their capabilities. We can all read how some other make and model is suppose to be the greatest thing to come around. And I appreciate those who are willing to share their experiences. But since I might not have the same criteria as someone else, or they haven't actually owned an X-Terra to make an honest evaluation, I choose to make those comparisons myself.
Among the new detectors I've bought (and sold) include several from FT, a couple from White's and even a couple other Minelab models. As I've mentioned in some of my other posts, I actually do "head to head" comparisons out in the field. I will hunt with one detector and mark the targets. Then I go back over the same turf, rechecking those that I've marked and marking any new ones that the first detector missed. Then I will recheck those new targets with the first detector, just to see if it was "human error" or if the detector just plain missed it. Of all the thousands of targets I've dug over the past few years, there is only one coin that I found with another detector, that the X-Terra couldn't find. That was a Standing quarter at 7 inches deep, surrounded by three old bent nails. The Etrac got it using a small aftermarket DD coil. The X-Terra hit all four targets but did not hit the quarter hard enough that it would have slowed me down enough to dig.
To be honest, I don't get wrapped up in what others have to say about a specific make or model. We all have different styles of hunting and seek different types of treasures. I am a coinshooter that hunts for old coins at old sites. To me, the best detector is the one that hunts deep, separates well, provides excellent TID information and offers the flexibility to tweak it for a particular site. I like the X-Terra because it is lightweight, well balanced, well built and fully capable of providing all of the functionality I need. I've been detecting for about 38 years. And I've found more small silver coins with the X-Terra than any other detector I've used. Opinions will vary. But I have proven to myself that the X-Terra is as good as any other detector currently on the market. And, much better than most. But again, that is just my opinion, based on having used it extensively and having developed a pretty good understanding of it's capabilities. JMHO HH Randy