[quote Monte][size=medium]primary beach and open-site unit for years. I reply on my modified IDX Pro the most now, but I plan to get another modified Classic III SL just for those sites where I'm not going to use/want visual TID.
The Classic III Plus and Classic III SL have the internal GB trimmer that needed to be tweaked to the worst iron mineralization at the particular beach (site) and then it was good-to-go! I quickly went to a Bill Crabtree modified Classic III SL ( I am sure I had one of the first modified units Bill did) and found it to be the absolute best thing to have done for a serious, dedicated detectorist. That gave me external controls of both the Threshold audio and the GB setting.
Toggle into the 'Black Sand" setting and that will enhance (expand) the lower-end of the discriminate adjustment range. This allows you to accept more metal targets, meaning iron trash and gold jewelry, but it also lets you handle iron mineralized sites better, and then you just GENTLY adjust the Disc. control to knock out (barely) the low-conductive wet salt environment.
I used my at several Oregon Coast beaches, and at some sites at the Great Salt lake in Utah (and you're not going to beat that saltness!) and always matched or bettered the CZ5 & CZ6 and other 'regular' beach hunters.
thanks monte
one more , can it be used in the water say ankle high and is the 950 coil water proof