Hi Jimmie, Willie, and Johnnie: Great to hear from you guys! Well, the feedback seems mixed. Some say heavy, but not much else. Others say we can get another couple inches depth.
One thing I'm a confused about here, though, is that some write of a non-imaging 12.5 coil, others say they have the imaging 12.5. As far as I know, at least on Garrett's website, under accessories, there is only one 12.5 coil available for the GTI. I don't see two 12.5 inch coils available, a nonimaging one, and an imaging one. I think that the 12.5 listed for the GTI has imaging.
Well, I'm going to try the 12.5 coil when I get my 2500. I know the big coil throws off the ergonomic balance of the unit, but I have an idea about to counter that.
Thank you for your help. Happy hunting, Kevin from Ipswich, Mass.