Booty Hunter
I have a new stock DD coil that I was going to modify to fit my carbon straight shaft, but realized I'm happy with my 14" infinium coil. I was wondering if any of you with a 20" deepseeker coil that is going unused would like to trade for my stock DD coil? I'd like to try the big mono but just can't afford to buy one just to try it out. My stock DD was fitted and tried once in the yard just to compare to my infinium, but never used in the field/beach. LMK. Thanks
PS. I did contact Pulsemate and they will soon have 18" monos for the ATX early next year. If I cannot swap for a 20" mono I will try one of these out as soon as they are available. I will post the results of my field test as soon as I get my hands on one. They will be much more affordable as they do not include the shaft that I would hack of anyway.
PS. I did contact Pulsemate and they will soon have 18" monos for the ATX early next year. If I cannot swap for a 20" mono I will try one of these out as soon as they are available. I will post the results of my field test as soon as I get my hands on one. They will be much more affordable as they do not include the shaft that I would hack of anyway.