Trashfinder said:
Are there any better coils for the foreseeable cor?
Are you referring to the 15 kHz FORS CoRe? Currently available on the Nokta Detectors website are the 4.[size=small]7[/size]X5.[size=small]2[/size] DD I call the
'OOR' coil because it is just Out-Of-Round. On the CoRe it is my preferred coil for trashier environments, and I mean dense trash, especially ferrous junk.
Then there is the 5½X10 DD, stock 7X11 DD, and for more depth and coverage when searching for larger-size objects, there is the 13.[size=small]3[/size]X15.[size=small]5[/size] DD coil. I am unaware of any future coils from the manufacturer, and honestly, I can't find a reason for one
[size=small](unless it was a Concentric coil in their 5½" round coil housing)[/size].
My closest hunting buddy and I use the smaller coils and 5½X10 coils the most for the trashier sites we hunt, and in the open fields and pastures the standard 7X11 works quite well, too.
Trashfinder said:
I get about 6.5 inches on small coil for example.
'Depth' is honestly an over-touted topic, in my opinion, because we have to match the coil with the detector with the search mode with the settings and apply them with proper sweep speed and search coil presentation, and take on all the challenges a site might offer. Most of my hunting is in rural settings where I Relic Hunt old town sites, homesteads, pioneer and military encampments and other similar types of places from long ago. Otherwise, when I am stuck around town more, I get in a lot of Coin Hunting at all the typical urban locations for coin and jewelry loss.
With over five decades of very active metal detecting in and out of town, I still continue to find the bulk of my coins, trade tokens, gold and silver jewelry and other 'keepers' in the surface-to-four inch range, and
typically a 'deep' target is in the 4" to 6"/7" range. Using a smaller size coil and dealing with site conditions might easily account for a target depth that leaves you wondering about a detector's depth potential.
So, since you mentioned a result from some test you ran, was this:
• With a FORS CoRe?
• Which search mode did you use?
• What were the settings used?
• Was this a natural-loss find or a planted test coin?
• What type of site, and was there very much around the test coin, such as other coins, or some metal trash?
Trashfinder said:
Is there a sef or small elliptical coil for trash that gets better depth?
I get exceptional detection depth with both the 5½X10 DD and the smaller-size
'OOR' DD coil. If a site
isn't very trashy, you can bump the Sensitivity up quite a bit and remain stable and this can help achieve an increase in detection depth.
However, if a site
is trashy, the presence of nearby metal targets [size=small]
(trash)[/size] will cause good-target masking, and that is going to limit or restrict any increase in depth you might want to achieve. First task is to go to a smaller-size coil, and the second task is to remove a lot of the trash to reduce good-target masking and achieve better all-around performance and results.