If you start out looking for coins, go someplace you KNOW that there are some to be found, don't set your sight too high on finding Gold and Silver at first, settle for those clad coins, and the newer pennies, this way you'll get used to your machine and it's targeting abilities. BE COURTEOUS, no matter where you go, ALWAYS cover up your digs, pick up any trash you uncover...and for goodnes sakes get permission from any owner of the property you're hunting on. Wear a good set of headphones, with adjustable volume, this will get you used to hearing the different tones on your machine, and pay extra attention to those faint hits, as the more you are accustomed to hearing them, the more apt you are to finding older coins. Last, but not least, go out there and have a blast, don't make it a chore, do your research, this always pays off, and I guarantee you, after the first coin, you'll be hooked.....or your brother or the both of you...Best Luck, Jack.