First of all, I am quite Conservative in my views and outspoken. I have NEVER been known to be "politically correct". I agree with and well understand the concept shown in the photos. Show this to my sister and there is no way she is going to believe it.(I think she was mixed up at birth in the hospital and my parents got stuck with a left wing loonie child) You could take her up there to the exact,barren, spot and hold her head under the water to the point of drowning and she would never believe it. Nor will any of the other liberal nutcases out there.I believe liberalism is a disease. It is terminal with no treatment or cure.These folks brains are totally incapable of deciphering reality. Common sense is foreign to them. Their minds are only engaged by Hillary's ,Obama's or Oprah's babble, or others of similar mindset. Now me...if it comes to paying an outrageous price for petroleum products or doing without because of some spotted owl, or caribou, or ice cricket, I would say let them adapt and survive. Animals have been adapting or passing into extinction since creation began.God put them on this Earth to be ruled over by man, NOT the other way around! Just like the Earths temperature changes. First an ice age then global warming. A natural process,same as the sun coming up in the morning ,only on a larger scale.Whatever BS the powers that be ,feed the liberal loons only enhances the amount of $$ in their pockets. Their riches multiply as the number of these lemmings increases, and increase they have ! God help us all, especially our children and grandchildren. I'm glad I'm on the down slope. Don't know if I could bear being born into this Country ,automatically owing a share in multiple trillion dollars of debt.Hope I didn't overstep the boundaries of this forum. Just my 2 cents worth...................Virginia_Relic