SC Anti-Metal Detecting Bill - Crunch Time!!!
Posted by: Dig-it! [ Send a Message ]
Date: May 12, 2010 08:28AM
Registered: 7 months ago
Posts: 3
South Carolina beach & relic hunters need your help!
We have a bill in SC pending that, on first glance, appears to be an anti-trespassing bill. However, if you read it carefully, you will see that it will be used to potentially shut down metal detecting (as well as fossil hunting, arrow head collecting, etc) on all State property, levy huge fines and jail time for metal detecting without permission on private property, and possibly be used as a platform to heavily constrain or end the hobby here. State property includes ALL public waters and most beaches in SC. I've attached a link to the legislation that passed the House in February. We are VERY worried about this bill here in SC.
I got a lesson in civics last tonight... here's what I learned:
Currently, it is in Senate Sub-committee. The Sub-committee members are:
Paul Campbell (R) (803) 212-6016 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (803) 212-6016 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
John (Jake) Knotts (R) (803) 212-6350
Floyd Nicholson (D) (803) 212-6040
If it does not come out of sub-committee by June 3rd, the bill dies and "they" must start all over again next year. June 3rd, is the drop-dead date. I understand that it may come out of sub-committee and go to the Senate floor for Q&A and voting as early as today (Wednesday)!!!
Senator Glenn McConnell (R) (803) 212-6610 is over the Senate Ways & Means Committee. Basically, he is the most powerful Senator and he determines if it leaves sub-committee and goes to a vote. If he is in favor of it - it will go up for vote, if he is opposed to it, it will likely die in sub-committee. If it goes up for a vote, it will likely pass at this point.
Senator McConnell is a very active member of the SCV and he owns/owned a very nice relic shop in Charleston (don't know if it is still open). No doubt, many of you all have done business with him in this regard - I think that means something, as it is our hobby that essentially supported his shop. We currently do not know how he stands on this bill!!! His aide is Paula Denson - very nice lady, several of us have spoken to her - please feel free to call her directly at (803) 212-6636 ... I think she is also an aide to the sub-committee. She keeps track of phone calls and reports them to all of the above Senators.
Please, PLEASE, make one phone call for us today - call Senator McConnell. He is "The Man". If you can make a call or two more, call one or all of the sub-committee members. Let them know that you oppose the bill. If you get an aide on the phone, ask them how that particular senator "stands on the bill" - they must tell you. You can also request that they notify you when/if it comes out of committee. More than likely, you will just get to leave a message - but that is counted by them.
In addition to dozens of SC residents that post here, I know that we have hundreds of "tourists" who have visited SC over the last couple of years for the purpose of metal detecting. Your opinion counts to them - let them know you would be very hesitant to visit and spend your vacation here if it passes. It is crunch time folks - making our voices heard over the next few days will determine what happens to this bill.
Chris Watson
SC Metal Detector & Relic Assoc.
SC H.4129
Posted by: Dig-it! [ Send a Message ]
Date: May 12, 2010 08:28AM
Registered: 7 months ago
Posts: 3
South Carolina beach & relic hunters need your help!
We have a bill in SC pending that, on first glance, appears to be an anti-trespassing bill. However, if you read it carefully, you will see that it will be used to potentially shut down metal detecting (as well as fossil hunting, arrow head collecting, etc) on all State property, levy huge fines and jail time for metal detecting without permission on private property, and possibly be used as a platform to heavily constrain or end the hobby here. State property includes ALL public waters and most beaches in SC. I've attached a link to the legislation that passed the House in February. We are VERY worried about this bill here in SC.
I got a lesson in civics last tonight... here's what I learned:
Currently, it is in Senate Sub-committee. The Sub-committee members are:
Paul Campbell (R) (803) 212-6016 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (803) 212-6016 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
John (Jake) Knotts (R) (803) 212-6350
Floyd Nicholson (D) (803) 212-6040
If it does not come out of sub-committee by June 3rd, the bill dies and "they" must start all over again next year. June 3rd, is the drop-dead date. I understand that it may come out of sub-committee and go to the Senate floor for Q&A and voting as early as today (Wednesday)!!!
Senator Glenn McConnell (R) (803) 212-6610 is over the Senate Ways & Means Committee. Basically, he is the most powerful Senator and he determines if it leaves sub-committee and goes to a vote. If he is in favor of it - it will go up for vote, if he is opposed to it, it will likely die in sub-committee. If it goes up for a vote, it will likely pass at this point.
Senator McConnell is a very active member of the SCV and he owns/owned a very nice relic shop in Charleston (don't know if it is still open). No doubt, many of you all have done business with him in this regard - I think that means something, as it is our hobby that essentially supported his shop. We currently do not know how he stands on this bill!!! His aide is Paula Denson - very nice lady, several of us have spoken to her - please feel free to call her directly at (803) 212-6636 ... I think she is also an aide to the sub-committee. She keeps track of phone calls and reports them to all of the above Senators.
Please, PLEASE, make one phone call for us today - call Senator McConnell. He is "The Man". If you can make a call or two more, call one or all of the sub-committee members. Let them know that you oppose the bill. If you get an aide on the phone, ask them how that particular senator "stands on the bill" - they must tell you. You can also request that they notify you when/if it comes out of committee. More than likely, you will just get to leave a message - but that is counted by them.
In addition to dozens of SC residents that post here, I know that we have hundreds of "tourists" who have visited SC over the last couple of years for the purpose of metal detecting. Your opinion counts to them - let them know you would be very hesitant to visit and spend your vacation here if it passes. It is crunch time folks - making our voices heard over the next few days will determine what happens to this bill.
Chris Watson
SC Metal Detector & Relic Assoc.
SC H.4129