It's Saturday, folks. That, means it's "What Momma wants for dinner, momma gets for dinner," day. All week long she does kitchen duty at our house, so when the weekend rolls around, she cops a break. After a little thought, Lori decided whe wanted homemade pizza, so I went to it. Not only am I a top-notch electro-technician, chicken farmer, crack shot and all around super great guy, I'm also an excellent cook. Gourmet category, in fact.
Now, if you've never tried making your own pizza dough/bread, there is a side benefit other than the delicious product of your culinary efforts. One that works in your favor as a detecorist. See, when you make risen bread products like pizza dough, there is a period of time when you have to wait on it to rise and "gas up." This can't be hurried and since there is a school right behind our house, well... you get the idea. Let's just say I am no couch potato!
When I got to the little playground, guess what I found? Yep, my nemesis had already been there! I was tag-a-long David, once again. The same shoeprints I've been following the last few days were there and judging from them, my rival works pretty thouroughly around all the play equipment and the swings. So as before, I didn't bother to hunt them.
And just as before, I managed to find plenty of goodies in the "other" areas. That biggie down in front is a Sac Dollar, found just outside the footprint "circle" around the slide. How in the Dickens that was missed, I'll never know. I can only imagine that my friend is in a hurry and only hitting the "high spots, " before moving on to the next search.
This phantom detectorist of mine seems to be unaware that there are plenty of other areas to search beside the obvious jungle gyms in any school yard - - I think I was there about 30 minutes total, and I was fast-tracking it.
So, once again, I come behind this other guy/gal and still manage a good time of it. This is becoming a real challenge, albeit one-sided. I gotta admit, that am enjoying it.
Frankly, I don't care if we never meet up, the way stuff is being left behind. But, if we do, I MUST speak with him/her about closing gates behind, covering holes, etc.
Now, if you've never tried making your own pizza dough/bread, there is a side benefit other than the delicious product of your culinary efforts. One that works in your favor as a detecorist. See, when you make risen bread products like pizza dough, there is a period of time when you have to wait on it to rise and "gas up." This can't be hurried and since there is a school right behind our house, well... you get the idea. Let's just say I am no couch potato!
When I got to the little playground, guess what I found? Yep, my nemesis had already been there! I was tag-a-long David, once again. The same shoeprints I've been following the last few days were there and judging from them, my rival works pretty thouroughly around all the play equipment and the swings. So as before, I didn't bother to hunt them.
And just as before, I managed to find plenty of goodies in the "other" areas. That biggie down in front is a Sac Dollar, found just outside the footprint "circle" around the slide. How in the Dickens that was missed, I'll never know. I can only imagine that my friend is in a hurry and only hitting the "high spots, " before moving on to the next search.
This phantom detectorist of mine seems to be unaware that there are plenty of other areas to search beside the obvious jungle gyms in any school yard - - I think I was there about 30 minutes total, and I was fast-tracking it.
So, once again, I come behind this other guy/gal and still manage a good time of it. This is becoming a real challenge, albeit one-sided. I gotta admit, that am enjoying it.

Frankly, I don't care if we never meet up, the way stuff is being left behind. But, if we do, I MUST speak with him/her about closing gates behind, covering holes, etc.