Hit the beach early this morning and the targets were far and few between. Same as last Sunday, 2 hours on the north side of the pier and then moved on to the south side. Not having much better luck on the south side at first, but then things started rolling. Was finally getting a few targets when I got a medium tone/low number signal. It wasn't a solid low tone, but enough, with the low numbers, to make me dig. One scoop and TWO rings in the scoop! One was obviously a Tungsten ring and the other I wasn't sure. Upon further inspection of the ring, I saw it was marked Cartier 750 (18K). Well now, another great ring! I started on my merry way whistling a merry tune to myself when a couple came up to me and asked if I had found a Tungsten wedding band and a Cartier 18K wedding band with diamonds all around? They were at the beach the previous night at about 11pm and decided to go for a swim. Not wanting to lose their rings in the water they decided to leave them on the blanket and retrieve them after the swim. Well, you can guess what happened. Out of the water, forgot about the rings, pick the blanket up and OOPS!! Rings gone! They searched for an hour or more but finally gave up. Chris and Natasha came back this morning hoping to find them in the daylight, instead they found me and I had already found the rings!! One happy couple! Here are the pics: