This post was on another forum from a fellow detectorist!
Ya'll may know my best friend David or VA CS Digger. He's needs your prayers (and I mean seriously!!) with his on going issues with dealing with his father who is seriously ill.
Those who know him know what I'm referring too. He really needs Divine help from God Almightly in his struggles with tending to his sickly father and I firmly believe that when more than one prays for someone, God WILL listen.
He REALLY needs your support in this most trying time of his life!!
I would never ask this of anyone on this forum but my friend needs help that only God can offer and I know plenty of you believe in supernatural help!!
Ya'll may know my best friend David or VA CS Digger. He's needs your prayers (and I mean seriously!!) with his on going issues with dealing with his father who is seriously ill.
Those who know him know what I'm referring too. He really needs Divine help from God Almightly in his struggles with tending to his sickly father and I firmly believe that when more than one prays for someone, God WILL listen.
He REALLY needs your support in this most trying time of his life!!
I would never ask this of anyone on this forum but my friend needs help that only God can offer and I know plenty of you believe in supernatural help!!