This is for a high school girl named Sarah. She is one of the strongest Christian kids I know! Here is her post!.......
How are all of you doing? I need to some prayer please. I am having a hard time right now with my internship, comunication problems, forgiveness, giving away one of my cats whom I love, and fighting with lonliness and discouragement. I keep wanting to cry. I am excepted in youth group and the people there don't really include me or treat me nice, including staff members. This has been going on for over 6 years too. At times I get so tired of trying! If you could pray for me then that would be so nice! God bless all of you! I'll give you all a smile.
How are all of you doing? I need to some prayer please. I am having a hard time right now with my internship, comunication problems, forgiveness, giving away one of my cats whom I love, and fighting with lonliness and discouragement. I keep wanting to cry. I am excepted in youth group and the people there don't really include me or treat me nice, including staff members. This has been going on for over 6 years too. At times I get so tired of trying! If you could pray for me then that would be so nice! God bless all of you! I'll give you all a smile.