Hi Eric,
I have owned several different types of Scanners and a couple of CoinScanner detectors, One being the Pro model.
In order to achieve less iron masking out in the field in areas littered with old iron, try not to set the Disc level too high (Trash-Out) preset setting and instead sweep an average size square nail across the coil and slowly increase the disc knob until the small/medium size square nail signal disappears....On my GoldScanner pro the iron signal disappears at No. (4) setting with the disc knob, Any higher level of disc will greatly increase iron masking and weaken separation which will knock out smaller size or weaker targets near or underneath iron.
Remember, You're not trying to knock out larger iron and instead only the smaller/medium size pieces of iron. Too much disc is not good in older areas laced with iron, You'll reduce your chances of finding older coins and relics masked by iron.
Currently, I use the GoldScanner Pro and have picked up several seated coins and an 1852 $5 dollar gold piece with my GoldScanner Pro using low disc below pre-set.
Give it a try, Low disc is the only way to hunt iron ridden sites.
HH, Paul (Ca)