I dug another pit today, at found these at about the same level as in the other ones (19 inces down.) This time around I used both the detector as a general tool as I'd skim off a few inches at a time, , but sifted every ounce of dirt also just to see if I was missing anything. I was using the six inch coil and ferrous mode, and I guess I was able to pinpoint signals at five or six inches. (there were at least fifty square nails or small pieces of them within the four by four foot pit.) Anyway, I managed this time to find a broken lead animal, a george the first in poor shape, and this button. Maybe after finding the "Monroe" button the other day I have backmarks on the brain, but this one intrigues me big time. It says "Wellington" on the verso with a star at the bottom. I'm hoping that there are some British detectorists out there who might know if this is a button to commemorate Wellington's victory (it would be from the period after Waterloo) or is Wellington a button manufacturer yet unknown to me. I've never found this backmark before. <img src="http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj255/johnirwin_2008/wellington.jpg" border="0" alt="wellington">