Ok this is weird! Revier posted his find of a health pin he found and I remember looking at it and thinking how cool it would be to actually find one like that! I even opened the link he had added to his post and checked out all the other years and designs of pins made. AND I remember vividly saying "I'll never find one of those" well today happened haha!!! Our town is doing a renovation to utilities on a old part of town. I hit it on the first day with nothing to show for my time except a few clad coins. I've been waiting for the sidewalk tear up and some of it was yesterday. After work I decided to try my luck again. First find worth writing about is my oldest coin to date. A 1878 Indian head. I was thrilled to see that and 3 more wheats came soon after. A 41s, 45d, and a 51s. Also found my first cuff link., which was one of my bucket list items. Then the pin was found. At first I wasn't sure what it was. Figured a religious medallion til I got home and scrubbed it. Since I looked at the link earlier in the week and noticing a 19-20 at the bottom and the cross up top I said to my self... No fricken way! Went back and found reviers post, opened the link again and wha la!!! 1919-1920 knight banneret pin! I guess never sell yourself short people. You never know whats gonna pop outta the ground next!