Hi Elton,
I think you have some valid questions which I will try to address.
The beach in question is a freshwater beach with mild mineralization and the F70 only has Auto GB. But GB isn't really an issue as the unit shows consistency in Ground Balancing, and I also in an earlier post using ferrite samples mapped it against an X70, and the results are as expected.
In regards to setting the Disc higher than 15, well that's a problem which I will answer by relating what occurred during my outing. Right after I switched over to using the Edge I began re-tracing my footsteps in the sand. This is easy since it's winter time and there's very little activity with smooth sand covering most of the beach. After traveling about 40ft I arrived over an area that I know has some old buried chains that are tied to a buried concrete block used to tie up boats. There are 5 to 6 of these chains splayed out like a fan towards the water. I always test new detectors in this area as it shows iron rejection/filtering ability, and without doubt there are good targets hiding around them.
As I arrived over the spot I could see the Edge indicating iron with a variety of negative numbers as expected, but within a few seconds I got a weak audio report and saw a (+) positive number flash by. So I slowed down and isolated a weak low positive ID. What came up from no more than 2-3 inches down was a small brass ferrule that looks like an insert into a wooden or plastic lure, as it had about a foot of heavy leader fish line still attached. In the picture below you can see the ferrule on the right and on the left a gold medallion. On the Edge both ID at 6 and on the F70 both ID at 20.
[attachment 120625 Ferrule.jpg]
And therein lays the rub with running the Disc up to around nickel to get rid of the iron falsing. As primarily a wader I am trying to pull foil(small gold) out of iron. And that task is made difficult by detectors that don't have excellent iron filtering, brick wall response as it were, which is a common term used in filtering.
You can have all the speed in the world, but if noise comes along with that speed you've gained nothing but Audio Masking and fatigue. I've seen several individuals make the comment that they can take the F70/F75 out in their driveway, and lay down three targets close together and swing as fast as they can, and it will hit all three targets and report them. Well that's a cheap parlor trick of absolutely no value in the field, because we're not hunting surface targets that we can see.
Did the F70 report the ferrule when I passed over it, most likely yes, but it also reported about a dozen other responses from the chains at the same time. So the F70 may be able to overcome Target Masking to some degree because of it's low lag time, but at the same time it creates another form of Target Masking, which I've termed Audio Masking, because of the iron falsing. Is the F70 the only detector I've used that exhibits the same kind of behavior, no, there have been a few others.
Below I've illustrated what occurs with Audio Masking, and shown the little ferrule as a gold colored rectangle, and the green audio response as the valid one.
[attachment 120626 chain.gif]
And so I'll keep playing with the F70 trying to identify it's weak & strong points for my type of detecting.