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i can remember going to the store and buying an RC COLA soda for 5 cents,you had to pay 2 cents deposit on the bottle,but you would get your 2 cents back.sometimes we would go collecting bottles to make enought to go to the cowboy movies and see one of my heros"LASH LA RUE" with his buddy fuzzy-jones.those were the days guys,15 cents to get in at the movies,5 cents for a soda,10 cents for pop-corn.hambugers were 15 cents for pain,20 cents for cheese-bugers!you could get 4-slacks of gorceries for $20.00 and gripe,because they were so were 50 cents,flatops were 75 cents,crew-cuts were 50 cents.
drive-inn movies were $1.00 a car-load!!but when regular prices came around,we would get in the trunk of the car ha,ha,he,he what a blast!man,how i miss those days,if someone was to mention drugs,aids,gang-bangers,dope,drive-by killings,we would not have a clue what you were speaking about??now,look at this world it scares you at the rate we are going!tell,me this world is not headed to hell.back in our days ,it was noting to leave your house unlocked,now its a different story!!our kids are not safe ,even on the street that you live on???kids are being picked off the streets and killed by perverts.god help us,"come soon lord jesus".
drive-inn movies were $1.00 a car-load!!but when regular prices came around,we would get in the trunk of the car ha,ha,he,he what a blast!man,how i miss those days,if someone was to mention drugs,aids,gang-bangers,dope,drive-by killings,we would not have a clue what you were speaking about??now,look at this world it scares you at the rate we are going!tell,me this world is not headed to hell.back in our days ,it was noting to leave your house unlocked,now its a different story!!our kids are not safe ,even on the street that you live on???kids are being picked off the streets and killed by perverts.god help us,"come soon lord jesus".