I have a FREE Android app that's called GPS Essentials that I use a lot when metal detecting.
It pretty much gives a Google map of where you are and lets you pick 8 'criteria boxes' to also put on your screen, as you can see by the pic I posted. Took a picture of my Samsung Fascinate running it. I have the Google map on 'streets' but there is also a 'terrain' toggle that lets you show a look down of the terrain you are on.
On the pic you can see I picked some criteria I use a lot like: lat., long., time., target, sunset.
... and a few others I used as filler that I really don't pay attention too like bearing, altitude, location provider. There's like 50 to choose from, and some really off the wall!
It's awesome because you can then hit a 'waypoint' button and it will save the GPS location of where you are at on your map to go back later. Good for marking locations of spots you like. You also have a 'tracks' button that will keep track of where you were and plot your course that you took to get there.
As long as someone gives you the GPS coords to a location you can put them in under 'target' and it will guide you there!
I attached a link to a video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SKc5ebBQvc ...that a guy put on YouTube. Asyou can see, he put in the GPS coords of the 'lost town near Pittsburgh. Took me right there!
it's a great app!
It pretty much gives a Google map of where you are and lets you pick 8 'criteria boxes' to also put on your screen, as you can see by the pic I posted. Took a picture of my Samsung Fascinate running it. I have the Google map on 'streets' but there is also a 'terrain' toggle that lets you show a look down of the terrain you are on.
On the pic you can see I picked some criteria I use a lot like: lat., long., time., target, sunset.
... and a few others I used as filler that I really don't pay attention too like bearing, altitude, location provider. There's like 50 to choose from, and some really off the wall!
It's awesome because you can then hit a 'waypoint' button and it will save the GPS location of where you are at on your map to go back later. Good for marking locations of spots you like. You also have a 'tracks' button that will keep track of where you were and plot your course that you took to get there.
As long as someone gives you the GPS coords to a location you can put them in under 'target' and it will guide you there!
I attached a link to a video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SKc5ebBQvc ...that a guy put on YouTube. Asyou can see, he put in the GPS coords of the 'lost town near Pittsburgh. Took me right there!
it's a great app!