Saltshaker said:
Thats exactly what I noticed laying around the courts. I may have to grab one and see how it rings up on my explorer. I think your right though, there is a lot of clad laying around but the way the courts are laid out, I dont thing there is much along the edges. You never know but I'm gonna focus on BB courts for now.
After hunting lots of these tennis courts I have noticed something about these can tops.
They will come in at about the same area at each court, but every court could have a totally different common number for these.
Not sure why, maybe the soil or a specific brand of balls people might all tend to use at each court.
Some courts they could come in at the mid 70's, others they might all be in the 67-68 area on my F2, the ones I really hate are sites where they are all 71-73...exactly like a copper penny or dime signal for me.
Sometimes they are folded and show different numbers, and just the pull tabs off of these are huge and come in different than regular tabs off of soda and beer cans.
Unlike gold which can be disguised at almost any numbers from low to high or at least the low zinc area, most silver is going to be a high tone and not disguised as much.
However, I have dug silver rings at 68 in the past, all kinds of 70's numbers too, and I can see different silver key chains, charms and other forms of silver coming in at all kinds of high numbers and just might be the exact same number as some of these things at some sites and you will miss them if you don't dig all those signals.
The ones that are shallow should show up as a larger signal, but the deeper ones that have been there awhile at older courts could mimic a smaller target like a coin or ring.
That's why I dig these at most of these tennis court sites and why it frustrates me so much because 99.9% of the time it is going to be a top off one of these stupid cans.
Not sure why some of these tennis players are such pigs and throw their trash on the ground around these courts like this.
Most of them have trash cans in the vicinity.
It's one thing to throw a beaver tail or sta-tab on the ground and have it immediately be hidden by the grass, but these things aren't hidden by anything because they are just too big.