Detecting with my E-Trac.
I believe that we are all primarily audio detectorists. Just what type of 'menu-ed'sound manipulation we prefer, is totally a personal choice.
Does the choice affect the efficiency of finding? I believe it depends on the the general target density of the area being searched.
In the worst case scenario, plenty of responses, then I use NORMAL or PITCH HOLD.
Low density, infrequent target reporting, then I experiment with SMOOTH audio.
I use FERROUS for the following reasons.
Iron is reported 95% more accurately, audibly.
Four tones, coupled with the depth indicator, and general repeatably of the signal, gives me the incentive to dig.
I do glance at the 2D display, but like the VDI's, it is a lethargic aid, and I prefer to dig rather than wait.
I personally detest MULTI., but each to their own sounds.
In all honesty, if the audio is repeatable, both back and forth etc, I dig it.
Thanks Erik and all readers......................TheMarshall