I headed out at about 7:00 this evening to a local park that I have never hunted to see if I could cherry-pick anything. Nothing but clad - so I bugged out of there and headed to a small park that I have detected many times with every machine I've ever owned (including the E-Trac) because it's old - but never found very much - a few old wheaties and junk - because there is so much iron in the ground. I only had an hour before dark, so I got to it - and the CTX did the job - 3 wheats, a '1925 buffalo that was in the same hole with a no-date SLQ, a '43P war nickel and a 1914 Canadian quarter. Also got a brass harness ring, a "Good for 5 cents" token from Pontiac, an old cartridge and a very nice button that reads "Extra Rich Orange Colour" on the back - I'm guessing mid to late 1800's. A fun evening - I will be going back!
I'll have the vid up soon...
I'll have the vid up soon...