I have 2 sets of headphones with the amp's
Does it work? Seems that I'm the only one that has got any good results as far as depth. Results can vary from beach to beach..and it works in PP mode of the Excalibur only, does not work on any of my other detectors. With them it just amps up the audio as a single tone as it does in the disc mode of the excal also. With the Excalibur you can separate the threshold from the target audio,...When you lower the threshold to just audible while in PP and hunting (W/out the amp) there can be slite disruption in the threshold, with the amp these come out as strong solid hits. ..video W/O amp
One.............This is the Stock just audible audio you would normal hear from any Excalibur in PP mode.
Two..............Doc's Amp turned on at this point, Pulling up the threshold from the faint to a blaring threshold, all audio targets below this threshold can not be heard because it was covering them up.
Three............Threshold is now adjusted lower and the targets that were once covered
Four..............Are now heard
The same way you adjust the amp for the Excalibur is the same way you would adjust it for a Minelabs SD or GP series PI Gold Detector
From Doc's web site
PROPER ADJUSTMENT: The thing you have to do with the Gold Screamer is to take a test nugget and place it on the ground, (with the Excalibur a faint deep target at the beach) swing over it and adjust the volume of the Gold Screamer up, and now turn the threshold down, swing over again and turn the GS up, threshold down. Keep doing this until you get a sense of the best setting. What you are trying to do is to separate the threshold from the target sound as far as you can, so what you are looking for is a nice quiet threshold, but when you come across a small target it really jumps out from the quiet threshold. You are trying to move the threshold far to the left, to the quiet side, and the signal far to the right to the loud side.
When adjust the Threshold down on the Excalibur in the PP mode you are uncovering targets that were there but not heard because they were covered by the threshold.......