Whatever next, whistles, dogs barking, detectors that scream "Quarter !!!" ... "dime, dime, dime, "pull tab" Minelab have brought you guys out the best programmable, discriminating, multi toned detector money can buy and you want to listen to all that crap just to make things easy.
Here in the UK the most successful E Trac & Explorer owners are setting their machines up with the maximum tonal variability possible. We use our ears instead of the screens, theyre for secondary checking if needed, we're running with screens either wide open or with the minimum of discrim 33 - 35 FE, using mostly conduct sounds & smooth or pitch hold response. I know nothing of what US coins sound like run across the coil. Starting from the left hand side of the CO scale we know that the very deepest low tones will sound on foil from 1-3, then our small medieval silver hammered coins start coming in from around 4 up into the 20s depending on silver content and maybe the way they are laying in the soil. In between we have to watch for Gold coins of varying types and thicknesses, 2000 yr old Bronze Roman coins rising through all the old copper pennies & halfpennies and the relatively modern coinage from the 17-1800s like the old silver shillings, sixpenses etc then we get the modern one pound & two pound coins. Then we have to listen for all the Artefacts, brooches etc that can hit anywheres.
From what i read it seems that detecting is a lot different for you guys over the pond. Minelab added Exchange to the E Trac primarily I think for you guys to make up lots of discrim patterns and give you the ability to swap them with your detecting mates which seems ideal if your hunting particular types of coins in somewhere like a public park or fairground site or on the beach looking for pocket money. Most of our detecting is done on farm fields because thats perhaps where the old Celtic and Roman camps and settlements were.
Exchange was a novelty maybe when the E Trac first came out, I dont see many people using it here in the UK now with the exception of the new owners maybe just to get started. We definately dont do Patterns because theres too much of our History to miss. If we try and block shotgun caps or ring pulls we run the risk of losing real treasure. Most of the small iron like nails gets caught on the bottom couple of bars on the screen. I run usually with 33-35 FE and a small home made nails reject pattern in the bottom right hand corner, the minelab nails pattern is way too big for us. The only Iron I might dig is the large circular stuff like chains & horseshoes & possibly the occasional plough point that will always give you a good signal. If any Iron is trying to trick me then a quick look at the screen to see where the cross hair is hitting or an iffy sounding tone usually takes care of it.
For anybody wanting to check out our setups Andy S has printed several in his excellent new E Trac & Explorer book. They are also listed word for word on the Minelabowners forum for everybody to see.