I planned to head to this different place to detect but something came up. I went to the river instead and those guys with the PI's have it so cleaned up, I didn't even find a penny in the water. Found a 10K ring that weighed 1.72 grams and no stones. The guy who is the care taker must be sick or something because the bathrooms were locked up tight and I couldn't change out of my wet clothes. So, I went to this other boat landing about a mile or so from the park and for some reason the power lines over the river made my At/Pro go nuts. Couldn't get it to work right and headed home. I never had any problem here before except with my GTI-2500 on land and wonder if it was because I changed the regular batteries out and put the rechargeable ones into the detector. Drove to the place I wanted to go in the first place and looked it over and hope to hit it Monday, even tho the water is still pretty deep and they're running an irrigation pump out of this stream. Did see part of a sandbar I hadn't seen before and hope to check it out next week. Last place on my list the owner had given me permission and I hadn't been back in about a year and they had changed the combination lock out to a regular padlock. I'll call him next week and see if I still have permission and can get a key from him. It's a swim hole that's seen lots of folks, but some guy told me he and some other people worked it over with a dredge several years ago and it might not have must left. The owner promised to show me where the old home place was, but don't know if I can detect there now because he has a crop planted. Can't take any photos because of thunder and lightning, even tho it's not raining. My photos taken inside just have too much glare for some reason. Hope the rest of you had a better day than I did, but when I first got to the river a flock of geese flew right over me and that made my day and just getting out in God's outdoors is a blessing.