Good Morning All, It has been too hot here to do much detecting, so last night I had a couple of hours to kill ! Went to the local ball field and started pulling out quarters, "cool". I left my probe at home, so I was using my sharpened Lesche tool and was cutting small flaps and using me Pro Pointer to locate the coins.
I got a signal at about 3" that showed a quarter, so I started cutting a plug, felt some resistance, thinking "root" I thought about sawing through it, but something wasn't right, no trees! I took the Lesche and popped the flap back, and! Holy #%#$.........
At 2 " a # 6 underground wire. I hit it on both sides! I checked the insulation and I don't think I cut through it.
I worked for a parks department for 33 years and I had seen this before, when
anybody could call themselves an electrician and ran wires down to where the easy digging got hard! We bought a very expensive wire locator and I located wires every time my crew was doing any digging! lessons learned #1 bring probe. #2 don't rely on pin pointer, always probe before digging, #3 contrary to what I mentioned in an earlier post, "DO NOT PUT A SAW EDGE ON BOTH SIDES
OF MY DIGGING TOOL". #4 expect the unexpected. So be aware of your surroundings, be careful. Don't start the 4th of July by becoming a fireworks display yourself
HH... C-Dog
P.S. I contacted a friend who is a lineman for the city, so it will be checked out and buried deeper!

At 2 " a # 6 underground wire. I hit it on both sides! I checked the insulation and I don't think I cut through it.

anybody could call themselves an electrician and ran wires down to where the easy digging got hard! We bought a very expensive wire locator and I located wires every time my crew was doing any digging! lessons learned #1 bring probe. #2 don't rely on pin pointer, always probe before digging, #3 contrary to what I mentioned in an earlier post, "DO NOT PUT A SAW EDGE ON BOTH SIDES
OF MY DIGGING TOOL". #4 expect the unexpected. So be aware of your surroundings, be careful. Don't start the 4th of July by becoming a fireworks display yourself

P.S. I contacted a friend who is a lineman for the city, so it will be checked out and buried deeper!