Here are a few photos from todays air show. I'm not real happy with any of them. There were a number of factors that were out of my control. It was real hazy out, the sun always seemed to be at a bad angle and most of the planes were out of range for my 200mm. Of course my new 400mm broke and won't be back until next week. But there were a few things that I would change if I had it to do over again. I would use a slower shutter speed on the prop planes to get some propeller blur. Freezing the propeller looks weird. I'd also like a little more depth of field to increase the sharpness. I should have bumped the exposure compensation a notch or two. And I should have used custom white balance instead of the AWB. There's another air show later this summer so I'll make the corrections and try again then. In any case, here are a few of the less painful pictures to look at.