Well I ran the AI coil for a bit yesterday, it was so brushy, it could not get into the places I wanted. It did run smooth for the hour I had it on. I changed back to the Platypus, and nailed a 2.8 DWT in the first few minutes. Then i got passed out, got disorented, got lost, search and rescue was called. I'm ok, my blood presure bottomed out, thats why I passed out. Anyway, some time in the next week. I will got to my patch, where I have been working for a few years, on private prop. and run it, right up under the power lines, where I have not been able to detect in the past, because of them. Its a good gold are, I have found pounds there. So it will be a good test. I'm sorry I don't have more on it right now, but yesterday was a bad day for me. Thanks Grubstake