I am a big advocate of not cleaning your old coin finds. Oh, I did try my "D-cell electrolyisis method" on a 3-cent silver this past summer. But for the most part, I've tried to steer clear of cleaning my old coins. Silver usually comes out of my ground looking pretty good. And, depending on the site, pennies are usually presentable. But regardless of where I dig a nickel, they are always reddish brown and just plain ugly. As I was cataloging some of my coins this weekend, I came across several handfuls of old, ugly nickels. [attachment 119699 oldnickels.jpg] Tossing my better judgement aside, I decided to run some of them through my rock tumbler. Again, I don't recommend that anyone do this. But I have to admit, they came out much better than I expected. Good enough that I might have to do another batch. [attachment 119700 tumblednickels.jpg] HH Randy