2 days ago I detected a particular spot in Goldsboro, NC and came up with the find of my lifetime. I have been here and detected hard since 1989, and suddenly there it was. It has been ID'ed as a clip-corner CS buckle. Perseverance has finally paid off. The Fisher F-75 LTD gave me a solid 83 signal, I popped the plug out with my shovel and at the bottom of the hole I saw the buckle laying, bottom side up. When I saw the 3 hooks, I knew I had something great. I reached down and turned it over and BAM, CS. Does anyone have opinions as to the worth? I have already received one estimate, but am interested in hearing others. I heard opinions also that a Union soldier probably picked it up in Bentonville and carried it to Goldsboro and lost it while they camped here. The bullet, with partial casing attached, was found 10 feet away from the buckle. Great stuff!