Just after getting back from the big get together in the Big MO last month we hit the wall at my injection molding business and our fate was sealed.It's been a tough 5 weeks getting rid of equipment and winding down the operation but it's over now.Some people might get depressed in this sort of situation but not me,the automotive business is wacko and I for one am looking forward to doing other things. I have a few ideas rattling around my hat rack but haven't decided anything yet.Since my wife and I have never been the sort to live beyond our means we aren't saddled with stifling debt and am confident on any new adventures.The Mrs. is even insisting that I take time off to do some detecting and traveling,wow what a gal.As W.Clement Stone once told me, keep a Positive Mental Attitude and work hard and everything will work out.
Good Hunting
and if anyone knows of any good place to go,I've got the time
Good Hunting
and if anyone knows of any good place to go,I've got the time