There's an old vacant house I pass on my way to work, probably built around 1900. Recently they have began working on the old house. The yard is torn up with the installation of a new septic tank and the ruts left behind from the tractor. One day I noticed some guys working on the house and stopped to talk to them. The workers didn't own the house and were only helping their fiend get the old house back in shape to live in. I told them that I was interested in using my metal detector in the yard while it was torn up. They didn't think the owner would mind but said I would need to get permission from her. Several days passed and never saw any cars at the house, so I decided to leave a "nice" note on the door. I was rewarded with a call from a disgruntled woman that didn't want me on her property. This is really disappointing! What could I have done differently?