Hey Cousin Eddie, Steve made a good point about the T and possible problems in mineralized ground. I have been using the T since soon after it came out and it is a great machine. My ground is fairly mild mostly, though some possible small pockets of mineralization here in S.Ms. but no real problems(that I know of) for my T yet. Since you really love your V and are happy with it, I would advise you to stick with the V for a while yet. Like you, I got the "craving" for a V really, bad after watching my digging Buddy dig a worn thin 1800's period "carved" dime "love token", with his V. I stood by with my T in my hand and watched as he went inch for inch after that coin. It was the deepest coin I have ever seen dug, and his V was talking clean and clear to him at every inch! I doubt very seriously if I would have found it with my T. Pretty much folks agree that the T hits the brass and copper a little better than the V but the V takes up the slack on the silver. I have found some great buttons and coins deeper than I like to dig with my T, but the real knack for finding the goodies is in getting good with a machine you like/love and knowing what it is telling you. I believe you may already be at that point, so if you still just got to try a T, don't part with the V, but wait for a deal or save up for the T..A few nice ones showing up here and there now and then at lower $ than before. Just my thoughts . HH, Charlie