The Lions Camp for Handicap Children will appreciate any and all donations of foreign coins you might wish to give for the children, so to continue the metal detecting activity we help them start over nine years ago. Most send the coins to me, for I give a list of those that did donate to the Activities Director and have her mail out personalized "Thank You" letters; my address is:
Keith Wills, 201 S. Montgomery St., Gilmer, TX. 75644 OR your welcome to mail your donation directly to the camp at: Texas Lions Camp, P.O. Box 280247, Kerrville, TX. 78029-0247.
We all appreciate you and those that have been kind enough to think of the kids and their happiness.Just maybe some of them could turn out to be real treasure hunters some day. Thanks Again, Keith Wills
Keith Wills, 201 S. Montgomery St., Gilmer, TX. 75644 OR your welcome to mail your donation directly to the camp at: Texas Lions Camp, P.O. Box 280247, Kerrville, TX. 78029-0247.
We all appreciate you and those that have been kind enough to think of the kids and their happiness.Just maybe some of them could turn out to be real treasure hunters some day. Thanks Again, Keith Wills