Gentleman that I am, I have given DC and Elson the first shot at telling it like it was.... They did a pretty good job but here is the straight scoop. DC and his FAR better half are good folks and made us feel most welcome. I had several hours to teach Elson how to behave and act nice. I failed miserably!!
Now, ol' Dave is a super fine guy and a good teacher and host. However, the boy drives like the dogs of hades are on his tail. If you all have ever been to west Texas you know a mountain to us is any hump you can't jump up and see over. I don't do mountains and maintain clean britches at the same time. Dave talks almost as much as Elson and it is NON stop.....
Elson was in the middle of the seat and, I'll admit, I did tend to scoot over away from the door on many occasions during this trip.
Elson now believes that we should be engaged or at least going steady. Fear does weird things to a flatlander when there are mountains involved.
At present, Elson is stealing aluminum stop signs to make a water scoop. And he finally has become a died in the wool Whites user. A little breeze and a wave or two stopped him dead. I did mention I wondered about his manhood when he ran for cover.
Great trip and good can't beat it. However, after a 3,300 mile trip, I have doubts that my backside will ever smile again.
Just ol' Falk

Elson now believes that we should be engaged or at least going steady. Fear does weird things to a flatlander when there are mountains involved.
At present, Elson is stealing aluminum stop signs to make a water scoop. And he finally has become a died in the wool Whites user. A little breeze and a wave or two stopped him dead. I did mention I wondered about his manhood when he ran for cover.
Great trip and good can't beat it. However, after a 3,300 mile trip, I have doubts that my backside will ever smile again.
Just ol' Falk