With mine, I get about 2-3 inches more depth vs
the stock coil. Good for more open areas where
trash is not a big problem.
Cons... naturally being the biggest, it falses
the most.. But that doesn't bother me too much
being I run my coils pretty hot most the time anyway..
Also, in a trashy area, it can be a pain, as it sees
too many objects at once, if they are close together.
Myself, I haven't seen the problems detecting real
small objects. I've found quite a few small things,
such as BB's, slivers of metal, etc..
It's probably a good coil for open field relic
hunting. Or at least, thats the one I would start
with for a large area like a field, or large yard, etc..
If trash becomes a problem, I go to one of the smaller
coils. Usually the sniper, if the trash is bad, or
close together. If I'm looking for something, and
want the max depth I can conjur up, I'll slap the 9x12
on.. Mine hits a quarter out to about 10-11 inches,
vs 7.5-8 inches with the stock coil.. My sniper hits
a quarter at about 5.5-6 inches or so.