I'd rather have the 350 from what I've seen of the tec pro. For instance, the ID is only three range, so
not much resolution there. I notice at one place online, it's about the same price as the Ace 250.
For coins, I'd rather have the Ace 250 over the Ace 350. But the 350 should be a bit better at relic
hunting. Maybe.. The 250 with the 9x12 is no slouch at relics either..
The ID spread on the 250 is more suited for coins.. I guess that's the main deal besides using
a concentric coil instead of a DD. The 350 gives a bit more resolution in the lower ranges for relics,
and it uses the DD.
For beach hunting it's a toss. The Ace machines are not the greatest beach machines, Usable, but
you can get better. They are OK in dry sand, but not so great in wet sand. They work, but I hear you
get a good bit of falsing in the salt water.
BTW, I know I'd rather have the Garrett if one went kaput and you had to send it in. No problem with
the Garrett. The Euro Tec, who knows...?? Don't really know much about them. Fairly new I guess.