Made a visit to one of our city parks to practice pinpointing and using the tips HotTexas gave me about bottle caps. All finds were with the standard "DD" coil. Hunting in ZERO mode: Seven quarters, sixteen dimes, nine nickles, forty six pennies, several clothing snap/buttons, some odds and ends, and some more SILVER!!!! I used a dime for size to show how small some of the things the 350 was sniffing out today. Thanks to my Propointer I didn't have any trouble finding them in the wet bark chip play areas. The ACE pinpoint was as easy as line it up in the little square on the coil (Center) and the object was right there. No need to grope around enlarging holes or anything. Even that tiny little silver colored square thingy was , as they say, "spot on". Using HotTexas' method,I was able to identify bottle caps most of the time. I dug a few to check myself. The most amazing thing for me today was that I didn't come across any pull tabs. Man that is just unbelievable.