Dirt slinger
Hi all, I'm sure no one remembers me, been gone for quite awhile, but, I'm wanting to get active throwing some dirt again and I have a problem, as you might have guessed I have an ace 350 but something appears to be wrong with the coil, it's the standard double deck oil but every time I swing it it's giving it tone sometimes multiple tones I don't have to bump anything just swinging and I noticed it getting worse so I put a friend of mine's coil on which was brand new and then my machine worked perfectly again, switched it back to mine and I'm getting multiple false signals. My question is what goes wrong with a coil? I mean it's pretty much just a plastic case with wire in it that's sealed up, so what can go wrong with one just sitting? Also I know nothing about Garrett's warranties, would they honor something like this, it's at least 10 years old? Thanks for any input!