>Many belive you just unpack the machine, run out and wave it over the >ground, and treasure magically appears. It doesn't work that way.
I was watching another brands TV commercials the other night..
I can see how some people might get the idea it works that
To junktabman, the 250 is a good machine. That you are finding
lots of junk proves that it is working. Metal is metal.
After a while, you will start to see what ID tones usually
end up with what.. IE: many pulltabs hit around the nickle
ID notch. Just one of those quirks of conductivity that we
have to live with. After a while, you will recognize those.
But... If you ignore all tabs, you are taking the risk of
missing nickles, or even rings. Many rings can ring up around
the same ID notches.
So almost everyone still digs a lot of trash to make sure they
don't miss goodies.
I agree with the others. Find a less trashy or busy area to
hunt, until you get more used to IDing targets. In some areas,
you will have to "de-trash" an area of it's unwanted tabs, iron,
etc, to be able to find any real goodies in the area.
Either that or get a sniper coil, which is small enough to be
able to weed out good stuff from trash much easier than the
larger coils. The large coils work well, but sometimes too
well.. If your coil sees 5 targets at once, but only one is a
coin, pinpointing can get skewed from the extra targets masking
the good one. Also, the ID jumps around as it's seeing the various
targets. In a case like that with a big coil, you just have to do
as well as you can. Maybe even pulling the trash to be able to
nail down the desired target. The sniper doesn't have that problem
near as bad, as it's small, see's fewer targets at once, and you
can go through the targets, pop, pop, pop.. BTW, don't run the
sensitivity too high, until you are used to how the machine reacts,
chatters, etc.. If it's too high, it will chatter and false a lot,
making it harder to tell what is real, and what is chatter.
After a while, you can tell the two apart, and slowly starting
cranking it up if you want. But at first, keep it fairly low,
like about 4-5 notches worth..