New member
Hello, just looking for some advice, I'm new to MDing, I went out and bought an Excalibur II mainly b/c I thought I would be taking it in the water. I do mostly beach hunting but find the Excalibur to be a little spratic and very hard to tell the sounds apart. So I mostly hunt in all metal. Well on my fifth hunt with the excall the Disc/pinpoint nob striped out. So it's off to mind lab for repair. I'm thinking I should have not spent to $$ on this machine and I'm thinking of just getting a 250 and selling the excall when I get it back next year. I've been seeing a lot of good reviews on the 250, and how can you beat the price. Will I out grow this machine? That was my fear when got into hobby and why I spent 1,300 on the excall. All I really want to do is walk the beach find some coins and maybe a ring or two. Maybe I just answered my own question. Any advice on the 250 would be appreciated. Thanks, HH