Hello! This is a very touchy question

It depends how bad you can take to be outdone by your spouse.

It reminds me when I go fishing with my girlfriend. I bring all the latest "whatyoumaycallit" fishing lures with the best fishing pole and reel. I use all the techniques I learned in all the fishing magazines I buy. I use my depth sounder, I use worms, live bates, especially scented fish attractive formulas, etc. My girlfriend only use a very simple fishing pole , kind of like you would buy to initiate your 6 years old son to fishing. She only uses a single fishing hook with a worm and a sinker and let it dangle under the boat. Almost every time she is catching more fish than me.....and she makes sure to remind that fact to me...
All of this is all in good fun. So if you do not mind getting outdone by your spouse with a "lower end" (please don't kill me) metal detector, then go ahead, the Ace 250 is a great metal detector. Before I buy my own, all the reviews I looked at were all agreeing than the Ace 250 was the best metal detector for that price range.