New member
Coils in their simplest forms are what's known as magnet or Litz wire wound in a loop of what can be several shapes. Besides a wide variety of engineering factors that must be met, one of the bigger issues from a user standpoint is consistency of performance of the same model coil from a manufacturer. Experienced users quickly learned that you could line up 10 of the same model coil from a manufacturer and 2 or 3 would be very Hot (Perform very well), 2 or 3 very Cold(Perform poorly), and the rest in the middle.
Along came the X-Terra line from ML that incorporated an IC in the coil that performed a couple of tasks. One was to help compensate for the variance in performance from coil to coil leading to less Hot/Cold coil issues. That however meant that these coils could not be duplicated or other sizes provided by an outside aftermarket provider without the IC's from ML. From various postings early on there seemed to be an indication that the IC's would be released to a third party, but that fell through for whatever reason. There were some rumpled feathers from that matter and early X-Terra adopters were clamoring for more coil sizes. Slowly ML began to make some more sizes/varieties, and unbeknownst to the general public is that ML was testing coils that never saw the light of day, because they didn't meet performance standards. I know because I tested some of those coils and thought they were pretty good, but the Engineers at ML said "not good enough" and they were never released.
After some time the X-Terra coil technology was shared, but one can think with some trepidation if you have a look at the counterfeit issue page on their web site. And let me just say this about the Chinese, I've seen engineering samples from other companies go to China with grease pencil markups on them, be stolen and produced by another factory, with.......that's right the grease pencil markups on them. Products that I have designed and released at a trade show will show up six months later at another trade show copied from China. Therefore it should be clear that you have to constantly battle counterfeiting because it will be stolen and the Chinese could care less about your silly international patent.
In regards to the CTX coils, there is a lot going on in those coils electronics wise, how much I can't say because ML would take away my ML hat, wait a minute............. I don't have an ML hat.
But suffice it to say the likelihood of coils from other makers should be considered as remote. Now ML central doesn't call me on the phone every morning asking for marching orders, so they could pull a rabbit out of a hat and make a deal with an aftermarket company, but don't get your hopes up! If you have any issues with the aforementioned please contact ML directly, the moderators are not Major Stockholders in Codan and cannot threaten the Board of Directors over coils!
Along came the X-Terra line from ML that incorporated an IC in the coil that performed a couple of tasks. One was to help compensate for the variance in performance from coil to coil leading to less Hot/Cold coil issues. That however meant that these coils could not be duplicated or other sizes provided by an outside aftermarket provider without the IC's from ML. From various postings early on there seemed to be an indication that the IC's would be released to a third party, but that fell through for whatever reason. There were some rumpled feathers from that matter and early X-Terra adopters were clamoring for more coil sizes. Slowly ML began to make some more sizes/varieties, and unbeknownst to the general public is that ML was testing coils that never saw the light of day, because they didn't meet performance standards. I know because I tested some of those coils and thought they were pretty good, but the Engineers at ML said "not good enough" and they were never released.
After some time the X-Terra coil technology was shared, but one can think with some trepidation if you have a look at the counterfeit issue page on their web site. And let me just say this about the Chinese, I've seen engineering samples from other companies go to China with grease pencil markups on them, be stolen and produced by another factory, with.......that's right the grease pencil markups on them. Products that I have designed and released at a trade show will show up six months later at another trade show copied from China. Therefore it should be clear that you have to constantly battle counterfeiting because it will be stolen and the Chinese could care less about your silly international patent.
In regards to the CTX coils, there is a lot going on in those coils electronics wise, how much I can't say because ML would take away my ML hat, wait a minute............. I don't have an ML hat.