When I went detecting one of my huge filed I found a rock that is flat and dully pointed and looks like a scrapper tool..But while looking at it closer with a magnifieing glass I see small two figures of someone planting and someone looking above,with mountains in backround..I thought I was seeing things so my daughter looked and she sees the same thing..I am going to a mineral show to see what they think...I am thinking something of a dressing decoration that the indians wore ... I also have permission to work this fall after harvesting in a 3-400 or more field.It is a bloch width of driving jus down the road from the one I found the weird rock..Thats huge!I can't wait!!and I am still not done with the two feilds I was working on now that are planted...Found three rocks with the 4 meteorite symptoms also!None marking with scratch test,heavy ( no crust though)rings on all iron and deflects with compass!Just maybe ...I hope! I pray! but in the reserve mode untill confirmed!