went to a house today built in 1880's and I just could not get any good signals, it rained some yesterday and the ground had some moisture in it, but my machine was just chatter city. Nothing would lock on, I mean nothing. I mananged 2 wheats and they were only 4" deep.
My hunting partner uses the DFX, he got 5 wheats, and a mercury dime.
Not sure what I am doing wrong, I tried relic mode, coin mode, lowered gain for awhile, tried to raise gain for awhile. I just could not get a good signal to save my life.
I am very frustrated with this detector today!
any ideas???
My hunting partner uses the DFX, he got 5 wheats, and a mercury dime.
Not sure what I am doing wrong, I tried relic mode, coin mode, lowered gain for awhile, tried to raise gain for awhile. I just could not get a good signal to save my life.
I am very frustrated with this detector today!
any ideas???